Hard at work

Hard at work

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Virtual Morning Meetings!

We are very excited for our virtual morning meetings! We miss you, and we want to see how you are doing. As we begin our virtual morning meetings, remember how we follow meeting circle norms at school. These are good to keep in mind when we have virtual meetings, too, but some things are slightly different in this new environment.

Our meeting norms:

- Sit or kneel
You don't need to be criss-cross for our meetings, but you do need to be sitting. You could be in a chair, a couch, or on the floor, but you should still be sitting.

- Keep your body calm and to yourself
Keeping your body calm helps you and everyone else stay focused. Our meeting isn't very long, so keep toys, books, and other distractions out of your hands. Your cat or your little sister might wander by, but try to ignore them.

- Pay attention to the person who is talking 
Just like at school.

- Raise your hand for questions and comments
For our first meeting, we are going to try to do this and see how it goes. A teacher will see you raising your hand, and we will call on you for your turn. It is very hard for the computer program to know who the main person is if more than one person is talking at a time. If raising hands doesn't work, just use our normal no-hands procedures: let other people finish talking before you do.

To these regular meeting norms, we are going to add these:

- Wear your normal school clothes
It isn't pajama day today.

- This is a meeting for our class
You probably have some family members around to help with tech support on your end, but this meeting is just for our class, so you will be the only participant from your family.

- Choose a quiet spot
There shouldn't be noises or talking in your background.

- Remember, you're on camera!
Just like when. you were in our play, everyone can see and hear what you are doing and saying.

- Keep your camera still
Pick a spot to sit in and then stay in that spot. If you are using a phone or ipad to attend our meeting, try propping it up on some books so you don't have to hold it. It is distracting if you're moving your camera around while we are trying to say hi.

See you online!

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